Saturday 24 August 2013

Back to School Hairstyles.

Hello lovelies,
Unfortunately, as many of you know, it's not long till school starts again. This year I am determined to be more stylish for school as I know some of you will be. So I thought that I could share with you some of my favorite hairstyles that I wear to school.

  • Half up-half down
This hairstyle is really quick and easy. All you need to do is take the front two sections of your hair and tie them together at the back of your head. This is one of my favorites as it is extremely flexible. You could plait the sections into each other or twist them etc. This list goes one! And its also very beneficial as it keeps your hair away from your face all day long.

  • Every day high ponytail
Although this style is not very exciting, you can never go wrong with a ponytail. Usually, I will accessorize with bows, flowers, headbands etc. Obviously, some schools don't allow these accessories- especially in England! But you can always use the fake hair plait headbands.

  • Messy bun.
Now admittedly, I haven't done this hairstyle in a while due to the extreme craziness of my hair. but if your hair is slightly more tame than mine then this style is perfect. Again, it can be easily varied with accessories.

And thats about it. If you have any other back to school hairstyle ideas then please comment bellow. If you have anything else you would like me to reveiw or do a post on etc. then I would love to read your comments.

Bubyeee x

Friday 16 August 2013

Fishtail Plait

One of the latest hairstyle trends is the fishtail plait/braid.  Personally, I love this braid as it is very simple and looks a lot better on hair like mine than a normal plait/braid. At first, I found it a little tricky as I have quite thick hair so it kept falling out but after a few attempts I managed to understand it and I LOVED it! I looks really nice is you have diffrent colours or shades to your hair of if you include ribbons and threads.

Below is a a simple diagram I found off we heart it that I found incredibly useful.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Please comment below anything you would like me to blog about.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

3 top beauty icons.

Hello lovelies,

This is just really quick post about some of the greatest beauty icons.

3. Vanessa Hudgens
I love her boho style and natural make up. Not many celebrities do this anymore.

2. Zoe Sugg (Zoella)
She is insanely cute and her style reflects her personality perfectly!

1. Cara Delevigne.
She proves that you don't always have to dress up to look beautiful and stylish.

I hope you enjoyed this post. but who is your favourite beauty/ fashion icon. Comment below.
