Monday 16 June 2014

Bucket List~ Things to do before I'm 21

  1. Go to SITC
  2. Make a tee-pee and sleep in it
  3. Have a Disney themed fancy dress party
  4. Play truth or dare Jenga
  5. Have a Harry Potter Marathon
  6. Go to a premier
  7. Go busking
  8. Play paintball
  9. Ride in a Hot air balloon
  10. Spontaneous piercing somewhere
  11. Ombre my hair
  12. Learn to speak Swahili
  13. Learn to unicycle
  14. Break 3 world records
  15. Go to Disney land
  16. Get on the next train and see where it ends up.
  17. Run a marathon (or half marathon)
  18. Raise £1000 for Cancer Research
  19. Learn to cartwheel/handstand/back flip
  20. Climb the Eiffel Tower by the steps (I hate lifts!)
  21. Bungee Jumping
  22. Write and publish a book
  23. Meet One Direction (A girl can dream!!!)
  24. Buy a vesper
  25. Visit every continent
  26. Play the greatest last day prank
  27. Sleep under the stars
  28. Work in the Disneyland/world parade
  29. Go to Glastonbury Festival
  30. Be a happier more confident person
This is just part of my never ending bucket list of things to do before I turn 21 and leave my childhood forever :( I hope it gives some of you some ideas and motivates me to actually complete my bucket list!!!

See you soon
Miss Ginger Firthy xxx

Sunday 15 June 2014

Blogging Fail

I've really failed so far with this blog. I'm not going to go into lots of details but I've decided to at least attempt re-starting for the third time.
So I'm going to just talk about whatever is inside my head.
What am I going to do I don't really know. But one thing I have decided with my life is to have no plans or schedule.
So here's to the future of this weird blog thing.
Love Miss Ginger Firthy