Monday 16 June 2014

Bucket List~ Things to do before I'm 21

  1. Go to SITC
  2. Make a tee-pee and sleep in it
  3. Have a Disney themed fancy dress party
  4. Play truth or dare Jenga
  5. Have a Harry Potter Marathon
  6. Go to a premier
  7. Go busking
  8. Play paintball
  9. Ride in a Hot air balloon
  10. Spontaneous piercing somewhere
  11. Ombre my hair
  12. Learn to speak Swahili
  13. Learn to unicycle
  14. Break 3 world records
  15. Go to Disney land
  16. Get on the next train and see where it ends up.
  17. Run a marathon (or half marathon)
  18. Raise £1000 for Cancer Research
  19. Learn to cartwheel/handstand/back flip
  20. Climb the Eiffel Tower by the steps (I hate lifts!)
  21. Bungee Jumping
  22. Write and publish a book
  23. Meet One Direction (A girl can dream!!!)
  24. Buy a vesper
  25. Visit every continent
  26. Play the greatest last day prank
  27. Sleep under the stars
  28. Work in the Disneyland/world parade
  29. Go to Glastonbury Festival
  30. Be a happier more confident person
This is just part of my never ending bucket list of things to do before I turn 21 and leave my childhood forever :( I hope it gives some of you some ideas and motivates me to actually complete my bucket list!!!

See you soon
Miss Ginger Firthy xxx

Sunday 15 June 2014

Blogging Fail

I've really failed so far with this blog. I'm not going to go into lots of details but I've decided to at least attempt re-starting for the third time.
So I'm going to just talk about whatever is inside my head.
What am I going to do I don't really know. But one thing I have decided with my life is to have no plans or schedule.
So here's to the future of this weird blog thing.
Love Miss Ginger Firthy

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Inspiration Nation Part 2: The problems with perfection

Found via angelascanlon on instagram but it may not be theirs.
Hello world,
       Society often tells us that we're wrong, that we are bad people. But one thing that I promise you is that you aren't. We are constantly pressurized to be perfect which we simply are not. And I know that it is tricky to believe that it ok to not be 100% perfect (i find this really hard being such a perfectionist it often makes me cry!!!) but all we can really try and do is improve from yesterdays mistakes and mishaps as it is the way we shape our mistakes that re shapes our lives.

       Also, fun fact, chocolate brownies were invented from a kitchen mishap when a cook used the wrong ingredients or something so don't worry, amazing things can come from mistakes!!!

Spread some reassurance Inspiration Nation

I'll see you soon
Miss Ginger Firthy (aka your clumsy mistake maker!!!)

Saturday 1 March 2014

Inspiration Nation part 1: Hope

Hello worl!
  Just a little post to start the inspiration nation off: hope.
   In greek mythology, one of the Gods gave Pandora a box filled with nasty evil punishments which almost tore her and the whole world into pieces. But hope wispered once more and flew out the box as a butterfly- where the butterfly project originates. (comment if you want to know more on this).

It will get better, it's just a bad day not a bad life. Tell someone who's having a hard time that your there for them.

Spread some hope Inspiration Nation

I'll see you soon
Miss Ginger Firthy (aka your butterfly of hope if you ever need me!)

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Inspiration Nation

Hello world!
  When I decided to change what my main blogging topics were, I had in mind a little series/project to get lots of other blogger involved to help inspire you all to live happier lives ad release your inner hippie by spreading a bit more love and hope- becoming an inspiration nation of internet hippies (or whateve we call ourselves). So I need all of YOU to help me out here by spreading and linking this blog post around to help encourage other bloggers to get involved. But what's this all about?

Each post of the inspiration nation will be written by a diffrent person on whatever topic or subject they want to change or develop and this shall help us to inspire others to be better people bla bla bla...

I shall do the first one on the 1st of march but after that I want to see all of you getting involved!

If you would like to be a par of this inspiration nation then please tweet me @missgingerfirth or email me or even a comment on this post would be enough to start off!

So let's get this started!
I'll see you soon
Miss Ginger Firthy (aka crazy hipie freak wanting to make a little diffrence!)

Monday 24 February 2014

How not to cook :/

Hello world,
 So we all have talents right? And we all have things we really can't do. So I thought  would amuse you with my cooking fails and my reasons why I won't eve be the next Jamie Oliver.

The Ledgened of the Infaltable pizza
   So this one time in Food Technology back at school, we all had to make 3 easy pizzas in 2 hours. Sounds pretty basic for 14 year olds. Apparently not. Somehow, I had added in too much baking soda or whatever it was called and the pizza was no longer thin crust- more the shape of a beach ball! Seriously my friend had to stab it with a fork before I could hand it in to be marked, still came bottem of the class belw the kid who tried to mix cheese and nutella-true story!!!

The cupcakes that Never Left the Oven
    Again, simple recipe that quickly turned into a disaster by adding too much of some ingredient and adding another ingredient that wasn't in the recipe. Unfortunatly the delightful chocolate chip cupcakes ended up more like fireworks and exploded leaving me with LOADS of cleaning to do. Fun.

RIP Random Plastic Spoon
  I couldn't even manage to heat up baked beans until last weeked (no exaggeration!) and I remember setting fire to a spoon that wasn't even being used and a celebration tin attempting this exhaustingly challenging dish. No wonder my mum banned me from her kitchen!!!!

So it seems like I am not going to be winning masterchef any time soon. But I can't be the only one! Tell me some of your cooking disasters in the comments- at least soe of your friends and families. And if you would like to seem any simmilar posts on fails etc. then please tell me bellow.

I'll see you again soon
Miss Ginger Firthy (aka world's worst chef!!) Xxx

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Kindle Purchses

Hello World!!!
   For my birthday, I got a new kindle and I thought I could tell you all what books I got.

  • My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
  • I Heart New York by Lindsey Kelk
  • The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
  • Wuthering Height (FREE!) by Emily Brontë
  • Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
  • Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts by Lucy Dillion
  • If You Could See Me Now by Cecelia Ahern
  • Staying Strong by Demi Lovato
  • The Oyster Catcher by Jo Thomas
  • The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
  • One Day by David Nicholls
  • Is it Just Me? By Miranda Hart
I will do reviews on this in the near future, but what other book do you recommend?

Miss Ginger Firthy