Monday 23 September 2013

My little blog x

Hello lovelies, just a quick post today. I just noticed that I have reached 100 pageveiwers on blogger! I know it might not seem much, but this feels like a huge acheivment for me! What shocks me the most is where all the veiwers come from- I havnt actually been to most of these places! I am very excited for the future and I promise to be more active. But one thing I would love go see is more comments from you guys suggesting your thoughts and opinions etc on my blog. Feel free to ask questions or suggest new ideas. I am still a newbie to this whole blogging thing so I would love some help and advice. Also, if you have a blog of any genre, please leave me a link s I can check your blog out!
Thankyou for helping me create my own little blog and set it up.
Goodbye beautiful people xxxx


  1. Thank you for commenting on my blog :) Can't wait to see how your blog grows!

    I would love if you could follow :)

    AJ | TheAJMinute

  2. Congratulations on the 100 views! :) xx


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