Friday 11 October 2013

Pinterest- come see me!

Good evening beautiful people!

Here is my pinterest link. I'm a newbie so don't judge me, I just couldn't resist!

My Pinterest

Sweet dream beautifuls x

Wednesday 9 October 2013

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes Xx

Hello there beautiful people!

One thing that not many of you will kniw about you is how much I love to dance. Unfortunatly this photo isnt me :( But hopefully one day, I will get there. Today im feeling a little bit reflective so I wanted to talk about chading your dreams.

It takes hard work and a hell lot of effort but one day I know it will be possible. Life is what you make it. So make it the best life you can. Not everything will be easy but uou will get to where your meant to be in the end. And the best dreams will come true.

Have a beautiful week. You can do it! I love you all! 
Bubyee X

Monday 7 October 2013

Blogging to- do list

Y'all right me lovelies?!

Ok, as you have noticed Im trying to put more work into my blog so this is my list of what I want to do and how you guys can help and get involved.

First of all, I need an intro and outro inspiration to help me start of because i cant seem start my blogs at all.

Secondly, I want to do a random Q&A next week so please commetn your questions.

Thirdly, I want to do more tags and lookbooks but I have no inspiration!!! Please feel free to give me a bit of an idea in the comments.

So yeah thats all, Please respond in the comment I would love to get some of your ideas.

Byeee xxx

Saturday 28 September 2013

The new look of my blog!

Hello lovelies!
As you can see I have re designed my blog. I hope you all like the change. I think it just looks a little bit neater now. Also, the color scheme almost reflects the blog name (what with the overdose of orange!) I'm not really very good at the technical side of blogging so I just kept the design simple.

Please feel free to comment what you think of it. If you love it then yey! if you prefer my old design then that's also ok. Just don't write hate as I will delete it haha ;) x

Bubyeee x

5 things at £5!

Hello lovelies,

Unfortunately, I can't afford every thing that I see in the shops- I'm sure i'm not the only one! So today I thought I could list 5 things I love that were either £5 or less. Let's get started.

1. £2.99, Generation @ New Look
Black (Black) Black Owl Wire Head Scarf | 287696401 | New Look

2. £3.50, Accessorize

All Over Cat Sock

3. £5, Topshop

4. £4, Matalan

5. £3, River Island

I hope this has been useful to some of you, sorry I have been so bad at posting regularly. Once I have settled properly into autumn I will sort out a schedule so that I post about 2 or 3 times a week.

Bubyeee x

Monday 23 September 2013

My little blog x

Hello lovelies, just a quick post today. I just noticed that I have reached 100 pageveiwers on blogger! I know it might not seem much, but this feels like a huge acheivment for me! What shocks me the most is where all the veiwers come from- I havnt actually been to most of these places! I am very excited for the future and I promise to be more active. But one thing I would love go see is more comments from you guys suggesting your thoughts and opinions etc on my blog. Feel free to ask questions or suggest new ideas. I am still a newbie to this whole blogging thing so I would love some help and advice. Also, if you have a blog of any genre, please leave me a link s I can check your blog out!
Thankyou for helping me create my own little blog and set it up.
Goodbye beautiful people xxxx

Monday 16 September 2013

Summer Favorites!

Hello lovelies,

Finally, I am getting round to uploading my summer favorites post! Let's get started!

 I have adored Ice cream this summer and I have eaten loads!!

 The Marc Jacobs Limited edition of Daisy was amazing!

 As mentioned in my 25 facts about me, these books are the best!

 This spot treatment by clearasil has been a lifesaver over the summer!

 This has been one of the only deodorants to actually last all day!

 As many of you have seen my rave about this, it had to be included.

 Purchased in France, this saved my skin on holiday

 I have watched so much youtube this summer its unreal!

 I have sung Come and get it all summer and even got to go to her concert!

 I have loved 17 by boots this summer as its so cheap!

 Plain nude nails have been my staple over the last few months.

 Due to my empty purse, primark has been my fav shop this summer.

 This bracelett from claires was my best purchse this summer!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Comment what your summer favorite was and why! If you have anything you would like to see on this blog feel free to commet. Tweet me @KatieLouFirth

Bye xxx

Friday 13 September 2013

25 facts about me!

Hello lovelies!

Recently, I have been the worst blogger possible! I don't think I've done a post in about 2 weeks!!! So today I thought I would do something a bit different and share 25 facts about myself. A quick thank you to Katie Blossom for giving me this idea!!

  1. I am slightly inlove with one direction
  2. My first ever concert was Selena Gomez last weekend
  3. Over the summer, I was able to conqor my anxiety (yay!!)
  4. My favourite shop is primark as I can buy so much more with my money which means MORE CLOTHES!!!!
  5. I am really bad at eating healthy, i will find myself eating when I am bored..
  6. I take loads of selfies.... No idea why because I always hate them!
  7. I am obsessed with disney but have never been to disney land!
  8. I cannot catch to save my life!
  9. I refuse to watch any of the paranormal activity films
  10. I procrastinate WAYYY to much (hence the lack of blog posts!)
  11. My favourite tv show is either big band theory, miranda, some girls or waterloo road
  12. I am a christian
  13. Although I do well in exams and is consider to be a geek, I have no common sense at all!
  14. I am one of five and its always insane at home
  15. I have never had a boyfriend :( Obviously because I want to focus on my education and I cant choose beetween all the non exsistent boys who send me valentines cards......
  16. My gcse options are history RE textiles and music
  17. I play guitar, flute and ukulele!!
  18. I have been doing dance lessons for 12 years!!!
  19. My favourite make up brand is Rimmel London
  20. I have never left been further than France on holiday
  21. I used to have 43 one direction poster but Zayn kept falling on me in my sleep, this wasnt a bad thing!!!
  22. I only wear 2 neclaces even though I have about 20!
  23. My favourite book is series is either Harry potter or The Gallagher girls spy academy
  24. I am a confessed chocaholic, shopaholic and sleepaholic.
  25. I have the bestest friends a girl could wish for!!
I hope you like this. I will try to be more active. Tweet me @KatieLouFirth to remind me or if you have any ideas for future posts. I challenge evryone reading this to comment 5 facts about themself that are similar to 5 of mine!

Byeeeee x

Saturday 24 August 2013

Back to School Hairstyles.

Hello lovelies,
Unfortunately, as many of you know, it's not long till school starts again. This year I am determined to be more stylish for school as I know some of you will be. So I thought that I could share with you some of my favorite hairstyles that I wear to school.

  • Half up-half down
This hairstyle is really quick and easy. All you need to do is take the front two sections of your hair and tie them together at the back of your head. This is one of my favorites as it is extremely flexible. You could plait the sections into each other or twist them etc. This list goes one! And its also very beneficial as it keeps your hair away from your face all day long.

  • Every day high ponytail
Although this style is not very exciting, you can never go wrong with a ponytail. Usually, I will accessorize with bows, flowers, headbands etc. Obviously, some schools don't allow these accessories- especially in England! But you can always use the fake hair plait headbands.

  • Messy bun.
Now admittedly, I haven't done this hairstyle in a while due to the extreme craziness of my hair. but if your hair is slightly more tame than mine then this style is perfect. Again, it can be easily varied with accessories.

And thats about it. If you have any other back to school hairstyle ideas then please comment bellow. If you have anything else you would like me to reveiw or do a post on etc. then I would love to read your comments.

Bubyeee x

Friday 16 August 2013

Fishtail Plait

One of the latest hairstyle trends is the fishtail plait/braid.  Personally, I love this braid as it is very simple and looks a lot better on hair like mine than a normal plait/braid. At first, I found it a little tricky as I have quite thick hair so it kept falling out but after a few attempts I managed to understand it and I LOVED it! I looks really nice is you have diffrent colours or shades to your hair of if you include ribbons and threads.

Below is a a simple diagram I found off we heart it that I found incredibly useful.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Please comment below anything you would like me to blog about.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

3 top beauty icons.

Hello lovelies,

This is just really quick post about some of the greatest beauty icons.

3. Vanessa Hudgens
I love her boho style and natural make up. Not many celebrities do this anymore.

2. Zoe Sugg (Zoella)
She is insanely cute and her style reflects her personality perfectly!

1. Cara Delevigne.
She proves that you don't always have to dress up to look beautiful and stylish.

I hope you enjoyed this post. but who is your favourite beauty/ fashion icon. Comment below.


Tuesday 30 July 2013

Just a quick question..

Hello me dears x
 I am currently away on holiday so I wont be very actuve sorry. But as soon as I am home I shall be insanely active!!! If there are any topics you'd like me to disscus or if you have any deires/ questions related to fashion and beauty then feel free to ask. I want his blog to be a place where we can connect about our love of all things materialistic!!!

Thank you. Xxx

Thursday 25 July 2013

Celeb Style: Perrie Edwards

Hello lovelies!!

This blog post is a bit different to my previous posts as it is a celebrity get the look sort of thing. I hope you enjoy discovering the secrets to none other than Perrie Edwards' style!

This outfit above was featured in the wings music video. I love it because it has that summer hippie vibes and is bright pink! You could really easily recreate this look as it is very simple. Also, I love that she has kept the make up quite natural as it shows off her natural complexion.

On the subject of her make up, I really get inspired by her bold eye make up. Using Black eye liner she is able to make her already huge eyes seem even bigger! She doesn't mix different colours as she just sticks to black which I think looks very stylish and sophisticated.

One final aspect to her fashion is her love of crazy yet awesome hairstyles. She isn't afraid to try new colours and styles and she pulls them off so well! This proberbly inspires me the most as she is just so creative about how she does this!

So, if you enjoyed this blog post and would like me to do more celeb style posts then please commetn bellow. Thank you lovelies xxx

Monday 22 July 2013

Summer Holiday essentials

Hello lovelies!!
As its the end of the academic year, most of you are probably going to be jetting off one an exotic holiday- I'm very jealous of all of you! But for your benefit, I thought I would show you my holiday fashion and beauty essentials.

    • Good sun cream. Being ginger and insanely pale- I burn so badly. I recommend the Soltan Once sun cream in SPF 40 as it does everything it says on the bottle at a decent price.Helpfully, it comes in a spray bottle so its easy to apply and doesn't feel to thick or heavy on your skin.

    • Dry shampoo. As I have experienced- not all showers are any use especially at campsites or festivals! I would recommened the Batiste Dry Shampoo Travel Size as this really is the best dry shampoo you can buy and the travel size is perfect!

    • Face wash. Whilst going away on holiday, every girl wants to have the perfect skin! I would recommend the Clearasil All in 1 Face Wash and Mask as it works like magic! It only takes a couple of minuets which means more time having fun on your holiday!

    I hope this has been beneficial to you. I will try and post more often than I have been recently. Please comment your holiday essentials or anything else you would like me to post or reveiw etc.

    Thank you lovelies x

    Wednesday 17 April 2013

    Product of the week, Simple Moisturiser

    Recently, I have been having incredibly dry skin mainly on my face. So this week I have started to use Simple's moisturiser and the effects are so quick to be noticed! I would recommened this to anyone as it's cheap and works wonders

    Bubye x

    Sunday 14 April 2013

    Review: My Favorite Nail Polish Collection

    What you probably don't know, is that I have a bit of an obsession with painting my nails! And I am very OCD about it! I'm not one of the talented nail art girls but I can paint them to a nice standard. My favorite collection at the moment would have to be Fearne perfect polish from Boots (designed by radio 1 DJ Fearne Cotton). I adore the cute box it comes in: which is incredibly useful for make up storage! The nail polish has a beautiful finish to them- like a cross between matte and silk! They were a present that I loved so much I couldn't wait to give a review for!

    But what's your favorite nail polish collection?

    Saturday 13 April 2013

    Today's Look

    Today's look is a casual style. I've worn blue with a gorgeous burnt orange color as they contrast each other perfectly! I love the whole layered look as it really suits my body shape. The top and jeans were from new look and the vest top was from primark, the hair band is from Claire's. The necklace is from trade craft.

    Please comment any other things you'd like me to post eg, make up tutorials, my fashion verdict etc.

    Thursday 11 April 2013

    What I think beauty is?

    Hello World!!
    Throwing myself in at the deep end, what do I think beauty is? To start with, it's a 6 letter word!!! But in my opinion, i think beauty is happiness with yourself and your appearance. Everyone is beautiful if they chose to believe it! This blog isn't going to tell you how to become beautiful, it's telling you about clothes, make up, hair etc, what suits what, and what I think.
    Bubye xx
    Hello World!!
    So I've just got blogger and this blog is basically going to be all about beauty, fashion and life etc. I've been wanting to do this for a while so it's going to be fun!! I hope you all enjoy my tips photo's and knowledge.
    Bubyee x